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I was curious. Does a GS 12v 6k inverter have the ability to assist while plugged in? Meaning if I'm on a 1600 watt generator and a load pulls 2300 watts will a GS inverter be able to make up the difference by drawing from the batteries? 

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Posted by: @nilao
I was curious. Does a GS 12v 6k inverter have the ability to assist while plugged in? Meaning if I'm on a 1600 watt generator and a load pulls 2300 watts will a GS inverter be able to make up the difference by drawing from the batteries?

Not yet...but a "hybrid load balancing" function is definitely in the plans.  Just a firmware update for the feature 😉.  It would come simultaneous with the zero-export and parallel functionality implementations (as they all utilize the exact same core functionality, just regulated differently).


If only the factory hadn't bombed on us, I'd have been able to devote the last couple of months to coding work and getting all of this stuff implemented.  Instead, I have my nose to the grindstone of sourcing & ordering parts...

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I hope you get that sorted. Would love to have that feature. 

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Posted by: @nilao
I hope you get that sorted. Would love to have that feature.

I know several others that'd like it too 😉.

I know it's possible, because it would use the same methodology as our first attempt at "parallel inverters"...which while it did work, it was fraught with regulation issues due to the lack of monitoring on the GS A.1 / B control boards.  Rev. C boards have solved this issue with much better monitoring I just need to rethink the code for the updated hardware.
