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Specs for the Wires and Ring Terminals in the Rev C Upgrade?

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So worked up over not getting this right...until about the 4th try, I went ahead and upgraded my original Rev A inverter...while I still remember that I can't follow the video without mods...

Looks like i got this one right on the first try...not seeing any negative amps, or watts...

The Rev C status was showing about 1000+kWh (generated already) on power up (thought it was odd)...I ran the firmware upgrade (don't know how it knew what wifi to connect to...I didn't configure it) and everything cleared to zero... (hours and kWh)

Still have a question on the WiFi settings, first line, showing multiple settings??? (Scrolls through 3?)

I'll run through your recommendations again after I button it up and before I put it in storage...

I'm at 3 mini-splits, with another one going in soon to replace the last swamp cooler...also still running the deep well pump (at least 180' down) and the pressure pump that feeds our water to the house and more...I'm thinking I may be asking for help on Daisy Chain/Parallel (or whatever it's called) when summer rolls around and all this equipment runs 24/7...

End frustration...still a big fan of GS... 🙂 Thanks.

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Posted by: @richard
Still have a question on the WiFi settings, first line, showing multiple settings??? (Scrolls through 3?)

The WiFi settings on the 1.2x firmware are:

  • "AP" -> Access Point (inverter generates a WiFi hotspot that you can connect a device to, i.e. for a local "remote screen")
  • "STA" -> Station Mode (normal WiFi mode, "connect to router")
  • "A+S" -> Access Point and Station mode.  You can have the inverter both connect to your router and you can also at the same time connect a device to the inverter's WiFi network
  • "Off" -> self-explanatory...

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Posted by: @richard
The Rev C status was showing about 1000+kWh (generated already) on power up (thought it was odd)...I ran the firmware upgrade (don't know how it knew what wifi to connect to...I didn't configure it) and everything cleared to zero... (hours and kWh)

WiFi credentials are stored in the LCD screen ("WiFi board"), not the control board--which it would have stored if you had connected said inverter to your network before the upgrade.'s an accumulator in the LCD.  Hours is stored in the control board.


Posted by: @richard
Looks like i got this one right on the first try...not seeing any negative amps, or watts...

Half the fun of those current that they don't seem to care about "polarity" direct from the factory.  In other words, I can't make a blanket statement "run the wires through it this way and it'll be right"--because sometimes the sensor itself has reversed polarity.  Or the wires are run to the connector backwards.  Gotta love it, "AC doesn't have polarity."  That may be technically correct, but it's functionally incorrect for the GS inverters!

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