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Configuration Unlock Not Working...?

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to void the warranty, you'll probably have to try several times to "pass the gauntlet."  I purposely made the unlock sequence difficult, so nobody could truthfully say, "I don't know how that happened."  (CFG -> System -> Unlock Configuration)

6K  Rev C  1.2r1

Looks like I only need a couple thousand more watts to keep everything running (multiple shutdowns yesterday when the temp hit 95+)

Tried way more than a few times...won't go past the "press up for 1 second"

Any solution?


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figured it out...

unlock doesn't work if the display is upside down...

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Posted by: @richard

Oops, you're right.  I didn't even have to look at the code to realize that's exactly the issue--because the "unlock" sequence "direct reads" the buttons instead of using the normal button routines. (And the "normal" routines handle the swapping when the screen is "Upside-Downed.")

Will fix this in 1.2r2, thanks for the report 😉.

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I watched Sean's seems to me that temperature is the limiting factor for shutdown of an unlocked unit?

The room is cooled and air filtered...if keeping it cooler means it won't shut down, I don't have a problem with it.

I doubt I'll ever go over 9 Kw...

Yesterday, when everything "wanted back on," I think I saw in the neighborhood of 8.5+ and the inverter shutdown again. I had to power off a few things that automatically restart, let the well pump fill storage and then power the other things on over an hour, or so. 

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Posted by: @richard
I watched Sean's seems to me that temperature is the limiting factor for shutdown of an unlocked unit?

To some extent.  You'll need to set the "Unlimitd" flag in the CFG -> AC Output page, otherwise it'll continue to shut down at 6kw despite being "unlocked."  Unlocking just enables you to set "Unlimitd" to "Yes."


Posted by: @richard
I doubt I'll ever go over 9 Kw...

Something to keep in mind...the AC chassis wiring is only 10AWG.  9kw evenly balanced @ 240v is 37.5A, a bit higher than the continuous 25A rating of 10AWG wire.  And if it's unevenly balanced--that's quite a few more amps through those 10AWG wires.  Plus the transformer windings, etc., etc.  At your own risk--that's why those functions are warranty gated!
