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A Genetry Solar inverter in the wild.

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Hey, how do you measure solar irradience in W/m2?

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Hey, how do you measure solar irradience in W/m2?

I don't right now. I let the University of Florida do it for me. 😁 A place I used to work at till it became too hazardous to my health. I do have a radiometer, I just don't have it hooked up. A person who might be a very distant relative invented one. Same person was the 10th President of Dartmouth College.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Slight pulsing this by any chance related to loads like an HE washing machine? I know that varying loads on my house inverter will result in a varying transformer buzz; that's expected. Regulation should be pretty quiet; the voltage feedback has a precision of roughly 0.1v @ a lot more than a PJ inverter 😉.

The one tube is the HE unit, the refrigerator is not.

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Now showing 317 hours of use and so far the only glitch has been the one No CPU Comms message.  Didn't get much use the last 5 days as I have been down with something. Will know tomorrow if possible it was a mild Covid attack. Or some other flu bug.

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5 hours ago, Waterman said:

Now showing 317 hours of use and so far the only glitch has been the one No CPU Comms message.  Didn't get much use the last 5 days as I have been down with something. Will know tomorrow if possible it was a mild Covid attack. Or some other flu bug.

Wow, well, I'm 19 hours in now. 😛  we figured it out, it was the volts being too high, it ran good after dropping it to 119v.  Hope you ain't got that china flu.  I just got my firsat shot today.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Wow, well, I'm 19 hours in now. 😛 we figured it out, it was the volts being too high, it ran good after dropping it to 119v. Hope you ain't got that china flu. I just got my firsat shot today.

If it was the Wuhan Flu, it might have been the second or third go at it. Being of the Type O blood group supposedly makes one have milder affects and I had this a couple times last year. Need an anti-bodies test.

Dropping the Voltage,  I recalibrated mine and so It may never show what yours did but mine runs mostly 121 and 122 Volts on my meters on the split phase. Line 2 is always 1 Volt higher than L1 to N or equal. Never lower even if loaded.

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Ah, well I had to shut my down before I caught things on fire, had a loose nut on the battery postive and the bolt started to sing a song for me.  Luckly I was in the power room when I smelled it, and soon as I put my hand near it I knew what happen and shut the inverter down right then.  No biggy, I was only testing and was only puling 66 amps 😛


So, now I took the inverter out of the room, and stripping down the Holding board, that holds chargers and stuff, going to redo it all to be neat and not all rigged up 😛    Will have a 60/40/15a solar chargers all going to bus bars, and each battery gets its own bolt, and then two outputs one for each inverter. so much fun. . .  Thanks to Sid I can see what my inverters are doing anywhere :P.

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