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Trouble with Charge Settings on new GS6k

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I cannot get my inverter to charge the batteries. It is an old fashioned pull start generator. it will draw only as much current as the inverter is drawing but no more. I have read the beta manual extensively but i can't get it to work.


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Sorry I didn't see this post at first....


Posted by: @phillip-matolcsy-2

it will draw only as much current as the inverter is drawing but no more.

Can you clarify this a bit?  (It isn't making sense to me.)


I presume that the inverter is not drawing as much charge current as you expected it to...but that it is charging?

If so, there's 3 things to check:

  1. the MaxAmp setting for the corresponding AC Input voltage (CFG -> AC Input -> MaxAmp 120 / MaxAmp 240).  This is the "max input current" that the inverter will try to regulate
  2. output loading vs the MaxAmp setting.  If MaxAmp is set to 2.5A, any loads >2.5A will result in a charge rate of 0%.
  3. the Charge Amps setting.  (CFG -> Battery/Charge -> Charge Amps).  This sets the "max charge" level of the corresponding MaxAmp setting.  In other words, if MaxAmp is set to 15A, a Charge Amps of 50% = up to 7.5A of input power can be used for charge.

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Hi Sid,

 I was able to get the batteries to charge by manually setting the inverter in charge mode(AC input/command /charge/bulk). Is there a way to configure the inverter so that if there is voltage on the AC input(ie a generator is hooked up and running), it will automatically charge the batteries without having to go into the menus each time? This would be handy if someone other than myself were using the cabin. I am afraid that the values in the menus could get messed up.



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Hi Sid,

What I meant to say was that "is there a way to configure the inverter so that if a generator is hooked up to the AC input and running , it will automatically charge the batteries?". I am worried that an inexperienced user may inadvertently alter the values in the menus by mistake and not be able to fix them. 



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Sorry for the non-response; I keep checking the forum status page, but apparently sometimes it just doesn't notify me of some messages!


Of course it is possible to have the GS inverter automatically switch to battery charge when AC input is present.  Firstly, you'd set the Input mode to AC (UPS) [CFG -> AC Input/Transfer -> Transfer = AC (UPS)].  This will make the inverter automatically switch to AC Input if it's present.

Next, you would need to adjust some battery charge settings (CFG -> Battery/Charge):

  • Charge Mode = Auto
  • Charge Trig = 48.0v (or whatever your nominal voltage is...this will make it automatically start charge if the battery voltage is under this threshold)

Should do the trick.

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Thanks for the reply.

So if I put the inverter in this mode and leave it there, will the low voltage shutoff and automatic restart (when fault is corrected) functions still all work?



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@phillip-matolcsy-2 Yes.  They are completely separate.

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@sid-genetry-solar Thanks, I'll give that a try.
