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How about another firmware update? Features, fixes, etc.
Notes for 1.2r4:
- [A.1/B] fix output wattage reading incorrectly on only one phase
- [C] Fix longstanding bug causing "AC Voltage Matching" to be closer to 10v off. NOTE: Will mess up AC Input and Output voltage calibration!
- [C] Battery Voltage readout corrections. NOTE: Will change DC Battery Voltage calibrations/readout!
- [C] Adjust battery voltage multiplier; appears the CPU is loading the signal down more than previously anticipated
- [C] fix "double scaling" from battery voltage calibration to intended "single scaling."
- [C] Single-wave "Throtle" pause if the battery current limit is triggered. (Prevents the regulator from "countering" the current limit by increasing voltage.) Only applies to the all-new Genetry inverters with current sense
- Increase AC Input qualification delay (tested ~4 sec total delay), should be better for generators just starting up
- Fix issue with certain inverter ID numbers having a space in them [bug report: @AquaticsLive]
- hide inverter ID number on WiFi tab unless directly highlighted [request: @sean-genetry-solar]
- Add some more "stats.json" fields:
- add "btnSEQ" field; now local server webpage matches button sequencing to the inverter's setting
- [C] add "battA_raw" for all-original GS inverters with internal current sense. NOTE: Not scaled (will be replaced with "battA" when scaled). [request: @NotMario...I think!]
- adjust "OUT" screen animations to indicate energy flow based on measurements (GTM, etc.)
- also now will indicate "GTM" if negative power flow measured on output. (Previously would only indicate GTM if frequency-shift throttling was active.) [Report: @jony787]
There's of course a number more items on my list....I haven't forgotten about trying to make the inverter regulation "adaptive", but there were several more important fixes to release first!
One of the items that's been kinda going around my mind is how to make the Genetry Solar inverters' local server (and the website dashboard too!) accessible via TTS systems and the like. Hardest part of the local server is the "Screen Mirror"...I can get that in plain text without too much trouble, but I don't see how that's going to be of value to a screen reader. Especially for how to indicate "selected" text, etc.
After update unit has output shorted error on restart
Had to manually clear error
After update unit has output shorted error on restart
Had to manually clear error
Keep me posted if that's a persistent error. I effectively rewrote the AC voltage feedback code (including tweaking that function itself), so it's possible I might've unknowingly introduced a bug.
The point of the "AC Output Shorted" error is to trip off if the inverter is not in "soft start" (i.e. output has reached regulation voltage), and a complete AC output half-wave was measured at <8vAC (i.e. almost nothing!) Zero tolerance, because AC shorts tend to be abrupt.
I tried using the power switch several times and got the error every time
Even tried it with the loads off
Went through menu and reset error and it started
I tried using the power switch several times and got the error every time
Even tried it with the loads off
Went through menu and reset error and it started
Weird. If that happens again, can you report the following?
- STAT page -> the BtyA_Cnt and BtyAmpPk numbers
- Oscilloscope -> DVLT and DAMP views
@steve dVLT flat zero--yeah, that'd trigger an AC Output Shorted error if the inverter thinks it's running...
...I think I see what's happening in the code. Apparently the "Soft Start" flag is getting cleared before it even starts, resulting in an ignominious flatline.
Funny that I never had that happen on my bench inverter, nor @sean-genetry-solar on any of his inverters...or other customers I tech'd the update to before releasing it!
Will fix it yet today!
After update unit has output shorted error on restart
I got the exact same error. Cleared it in the menu and it seemed to be working fine on idle. Haven't put a load on it since though.
doh now I see exactly what's causing it!
And the reason it isn't happening on my because I don't have a full-GS inverter (with current sense) on my bench.
It's the "disable throttle up if current sense triggered" that I just added to 1.2r4. Problem is the way I implemented it had a side effect of clearing the "Soft Start" flag--which then immediately enables a lot of checks that won't be happy to see the output voltage not-quite-where-expected!
Pulling the update now...will release the fixes as 1.2r5.
Glad i didn't press the button. I suspect the issue would affect my hybrid GS since it has current sense.