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Firmware Version 1.1r5

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This update is for the Rev. A.1 / B Genetry Solar boards.  (A 1.1r5 update for the PJ Genetry-upgraded inverters will come shortly)  GS inverters shipping now with Rev. C boards will have 1.1r5 in them.


  • revamp oscilloscope handling to multichannel setup, accessed via OUT -> "Output Volt."  This because the Rev. C board has 6 'scope channels...we're already at 4 channels with the Rev A.1 / B boards 😉

    • Also change AC wave handling--no longer compatible with older CPU firmware (if there's a firmware mismatch)
  • add "Command" menu from OUT -> "Input Volt."

    • allows manual switching between grid/battery in ATS transfer mode (ignored if in UPS mode, or battery voltage has passed an ATS threshold voltage setting)
    • manual control of battery charge (On/Off, Bulk/Float)
    • generator start access
    • now have access to Reset Error function
    • (all of these were accessible via local network, but why not from the WiFi board direct??!)
  • minor adjustments to firmware update function:

    • fix crash on lost HTTP connection [should exit without error]
    • correct "no CPU connection" during update
    • fix "CPU Ver" gate, so now you can actually fix a mismatched firmware...oops 😉
  • fairly significant menu infrastructure redesigning

    • improve responsiveness
    • now "GUI engine" properly handles hiding of non-applicable menu items
  • minor tweaks to MQTT / JSON status data

    • move firmware version to "Setup" tag, now "softver", not "ver"
    • significantly increase KWH resolution, now 0.0001kwh scale (i.e. 0.1wh)
    • increase battery voltage resolution to maximum available (0.02v)
  • improvements to AC Input functionality

    • fix ATS/UPS functionality (reportedly would always enter AC mode regardless of ATS/UPS setting)
    • kinda eliminate threshold for "Xformer Volt" error in ATS mode--it's not helping customers at all 😉.
  • limit minimum inverter regulation throttle to ~20% to prevent system failure with grid-tie inverter backfeed
  • add hysteresis on "Auto Power Save" threshold (0.5v/48v, 0.25v/24v, etc.) [customer feature request]
  • add support for Rev. C control boards (i.e. if you upgrade your inverter control board to a Rev. C board, a WiFi board with 1.1r5 or later will recognize it.)


I guess I've been busy 😉.

1.1r6 will have some new functions, but more gated towards the Rev. C board (software fixes already needed, heh heh).  Will be adding a Test menu, where you can test each hardware component of the inverter.  More for diagnostics than anything else...

Once I finally get the WiFi network handling fully redone, I'll probably bump the version to that's a MAJOR change.  As a side benefit, it'll also stop Sean teasing me by removing the "." from the version, "see, you want Windows 11 after all"...

...I may or may not have sent him some penguin socks recently.

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  • Customer discovered a bug resulting from adding the new Rev. C functionality to the LCD board.  For A.1 / B boards, the on-board temperature sensors are no longer registered on the remote MQTT server ( or in the local server.  (They register and behave correctly on the LCD screen.)  Turns out the data is actually being sent in both cases--but JSON handles repeated keys by going with the last one in the sequence.  My fault for doubling the "C" board channels and labeling them the same (TM / TM , TT / TT).

    • will be corrected in 1.1r6.  If anyone got the update and is experiencing this issue, PM me and I'll get you a Tech update that corrects this issue.

I have a number of fixes/improvements/patches planned for 1.1r6--though mostly for the Rev. C boards.

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Just a few comments...not concerned and am patient enough to wait for next rev, but here's a few things I've noticed since the update:

System Temperature Sensors: Transformer and MOSFET are not on displaying temps.

Down in the System Statistics: the right 2 fields are blank (Firmware and whatever was underneath it.)


Still running strong at 6260 hours and over 2.3MWh generated.

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Posted by: @richard
Just a few comments...not concerned and am patient enough to wait for next rev, but here's a few things I've noticed since the update:

Ha, yeah, I'm aware of that.  Probably should pull the 1.1r5 to stop the issue 😉.

Firmware is blank, yes, I need to correct that on the WiFi remote access page (I moved the status tag to a different location / name; that's an easy fix on the website.)

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Minor fix to the website, now the version should show again.  The thermistor readout not working is a firmware bug in 1.1r5; it will be fixed in 1.1r6 as soon as I can get it out...!

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