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Firmware Version 1.2r2

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More progress and feature additions...oh, I need to update the user manual too.  But there's just so much to do, I have to prioritize certain things over other things....

This release is for both Rev. A.1/B control boards and Rev. C control boards.  Sorry, I haven't had time to try to sort out the issue with the "PJ WiFi upgrade" kits, where the firmware update functionality no longer seems to work.  (It has to be a regression somewhere that I haven't found yet.)


Release notes:

  • Disable mobile "tap-to-zoom" in local server, so you can tap buttons without inadvertently zooming the page [bugfix: @admin]
  • Refactor "Radix" settings in "Appearance"
    • Add option for "Percent" readout on battery voltage based on UVP/OVP setpoints.  NOT AN SOC GAUGE! [GS customer request]
  • Refactor LCD driver to improve noise immunity
  • Add "DBAT" 'scope channel, allowing visualization of battery voltage sag under load/surge
  • [A.1/B] Add "output voltage regulation throttle" correction (for 120v single phase vs 240v split-phase output config).  This should hopefully solve the issues @the-blind-wolf is experiencing.
  • [A.1/B] Fix bug causing OVP Error to not work!
  • Significant work on Grid-Tie Master mode...DO NOT USE GTIs ON PRIOR FIRMWARE VERSIONS!  (Battery voltage regulation missing.) [significant help: @jony787]
    • enable GTM frequency shifting if AC Input is connected (GTM adjust has priority over Input Sync)
    • Add "Volt & Freq Sync" disable on AC Input screen, to bypass "sync flickering" when grid-connected but running on battery
    • enable "Charge" controls if GTM active (COMMAND screen)
  • Fix "Unlock Inverter" screen: buttons did not "mirror" when screen flipped.  [bug report: @richard]
    • also add "BtnConfig" option to select between current "U/D/E" sequence and new "U/E/D" sequence (all new GS inverters will default to "U/E/D", but the option is present to switch between them.)
  • Add "invKWh" MQTT stat (only accumulates power produced from battery input)


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Hmph...came across a slight issue: for whatever reason, some of the internal settings bits aren't where I expected them to be.  It is possible that after the update, the key order may be flipped to "U/E/D", which is quite a mind trick.  (One WiFi board I tested flipped after update, while the other one didn't.  Don't know why.)

There's a setting in CFG -> Appearance -> BtnConfig to switch it back.  Apologies for any confusion resulting from this!

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While Sid knows, my washer sort of works. but, don't lol.  Also, both GS inverts make humming sounds now when under load, and when Idle the temps of the trns seems to be high when not under any load at all.


Pumpped out 4600k with both gs at same time, the slave went up to 3kw under load, no issue so far.


Had to reupdate one gs invter as the first time didn't take, could have been a mistake on my friend when makeing the gs update.


This is on a B board I think, Sid knows.  could be on A for all I know lol.

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Hi Sid,

I just happened to look through the menu on my GS 6K Rev A.1 Inverter and I see that a firmware update is available to 1.2r2.  The current version of firmware for the LCD and CPU is 1.1r5.  Any reason I should or should not install the 1.2r2?  Just wanted to make sure before I would change anything since the inverter has been humming along fine since I last updated the firmware to the current version it is running.  Nearly 3 years of mostly continuous uptime since I installed it and still doing it's job except for the minor issue of that extra turn on the primary.  It has nearly 25800 hours and has passed 4 MWh.

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Posted by: @kuhrd

Hi Sid,

I just happened to look through the menu on my GS 6K Rev A.1 Inverter and I see that a firmware update is available to 1.2r2.  The current version of firmware for the LCD and CPU is 1.1r5.  Any reason I should or should not install the 1.2r2?  Just wanted to make sure before I would change anything since the inverter has been humming along fine since I last updated the firmware to the current version it is running.  Nearly 3 years of mostly continuous uptime since I installed it and still doing it's job except for the minor issue of that extra turn on the primary.  It has nearly 25800 hours and has passed 4 MWh.

"If it ain't broke don't fix it" 🤣 .  The main improvements you would notice would be WiFi connectivity options (AP / STA modes) and a unified/redesigned local server.

Reason against: I should see about getting 1.2r4 or newer released for the A.1/B units, as that fixes a bug introduced somewhere in the 1.2 series for the A.1/B inverters where I thought I was being clever with power monitoring utilizing both current sensors internally.  But instead it ends up with the units reading double wattage on L1 loads--which is a bit annoying.


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Roger that,  I will leave well enough alone for the time being.  I really need to get my arse in gear and get the 12K fully installed rather than just sitting on the test bench.  Was busy trying to get my ground mount done before summer ended so at least the panels will shed snow most of the winter.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar

"If it ain't broke don't fix it" 🤣 .  The main improvements you would notice would be WiFi connectivity options (AP / STA modes) and a unified/redesigned local server.

Reason against: I should see about getting 1.2r4 or newer released for the A.1/B units, as that fixes a bug introduced somewhere in the 1.2 series for the A.1/B inverters where I thought I was being clever with power monitoring utilizing both current sensors internally.  But instead it ends up with the units reading double wattage on L1 loads--which is a bit annoying.


Does this explain why i see double the amperage reading on the calibration screen?

The json will indicate half of what the calibration screen indicates. I did think that was quite strange.


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Posted by: @notmario

Does this explain why i see double the amperage reading on the calibration screen?

So I did that on purpose, as "calibration loads" on a bench often would be 120v units (i.e. a heat gun / space heater, etc.) PLUS it's a lot easier to match up the "calibration readout" number to a clamp meter across a single AC leg.  To properly measure split-phase output, you have to cross the Hots (L1/L2) through the clamp meter--and even then, the clamp meter readout will match the "calibration readout" amps.

Amps on the "OUT" page are halved, as that's the only way to get the wattage readout to work correctly.  A 1500W load @ 120v pulls 12.5A, but the "OUT" screen is reading at 240v, so 1500W / 240 = 6.25A.  (If it read 12.5A, that'd be 3,000W @ 240v.)

If that makes sense?

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar

So I did that on purpose, as "calibration loads" on a bench often would be 120v units (i.e. a heat gun / space heater, etc.) PLUS it's a lot easier to match up the "calibration readout" number to a clamp meter across a single AC leg.  To properly measure split-phase output, you have to cross the Hots (L1/L2) through the clamp meter--and even then, the clamp meter readout will match the "calibration readout" amps.

Amps on the "OUT" page are halved, as that's the only way to get the wattage readout to work correctly.  A 1500W load @ 120v pulls 12.5A, but the "OUT" screen is reading at 240v, so 1500W / 240 = 6.25A.  (If it read 12.5A, that'd be 3,000W @ 240v.)

If that makes sense?

It does. You have two 120v circuits you are reading the amperage of in parallel, so it's 120v-amps, not 240v-amps. Since the output is in series, you half the raw reading to get the logical reading for 240v.

One point of curiosity for me... why not add another hall sensor... measure each leg individually? It would be nice to be able to see load balance. Alas! Customers always want things even better, ha!

This post was modified 2 years ago by NotMario

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Posted by: @notmario

It would be nice to be able to see load balance.

Already got 'ya covered in hardware on the Genetry control boards Rev. C3 and newer (when newer's produced, that is!)

A line sense specifically for balance: the sensor goes on the Neutral line.  Quite simple: the more imbalanced the load, the more current present on Neutral.  And if the "balance" current equals the "load" current, then we know the load is entirely on one phase.

And guess what: that will even tell you which phase has the load, based on the current phase on the "balance" sensor.


See the "O-BAL" connector?


Only thing missing then?  Room on the screen to indicate load balance 🤣 
