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Feature Request... Maybe

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I have two inverters fed by the same generator. I have a switch to manually start the generator but I don't want the inverters to do anything unless their battery voltage is at a certain level. The "Charge Trig" voltage starts the generator as well. Could that setting be altered so that the ATS/Gen On setting is in exclusive control of the generator but the Charge Trig will allow the inverter to react IF power is available?

In other words, let's say inverter 1 is at 46 volts and calls for the generator to start. If inverter 2 is at 49 volts, I don't necessarily want the generator to start but if inverter 1 starts the generator, I'd like inverter 2 to take advantage of it while it's running as well. Does that make sense?

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That should be doable now with current features 

CanYouDigIt reacted
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@steve I'm certain it's doable. Seems it's just software. As it is now, "Charge Trig" starts the generator, but I'd rather have ATS/Gen On start it and have Charge Trig decide if charging occurs when an external source is available.

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Posted by: @inphase

I have two inverters fed by the same generator. I have a switch to manually start the generator but I don't want the inverters to do anything unless their battery voltage is at a certain level. The "Charge Trig" voltage starts the generator as well. Could that setting be altered so that the ATS/Gen On setting is in exclusive control of the generator but the Charge Trig will allow the inverter to react IF power is available?

Of course it can be altered (and quite easily too!), but like @Steve says, I'm thinking this might be doable with the current feature set.

If I'm understanding your intended usecase correctly, you would need to set the ATS mode to UPS.  In this state, the Gen On setpoint will still control the generator start functionality--BUT if AC input is present (i.e. generator started), the inverter will pop over to AC Input regardless.

Actually that might be as far as it would work...because at another customer's request, I decoupled "charge enable" from UPS state.  (Previously "UPS mode" forced charge on, but I removed that per request of @kazetsukai.)


So the question then becomes: should I blanket decouple "charge enable" from the Gen Start functionality?  (Or make it an option: Charge Gen Start Enable?)  The reason I coupled the two together is because if you want charge to automatically start at a certain voltage, it may have to start the generator in order to get the AC input power.

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@sid-genetry-solar I want it to charge if AC is present but ONLY IF the set point is reached. So if the battery is at 49 volts and the setpoint is 46 volts, I don't want the inverter to switch over even if AC is present. I don't want it to pass thru or do anything if the battery is above the setpoint voltage. I still need the generator to start from an even lower voltage setpoint however. So let's say:

Gen Start: 44 volts

Charge: 46 volts

Gen Off: 58 volts

If Gen Start setpoint is reached, then obviously Charge setpoint has also been reached. 

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OK.  So basically you need an option to disconnect "Charge Trigger" from the gen start functionality.

Super easy to do 😉

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@sid-genetry-solar Yes, thanks. So how can I get that ball rolling?

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I just need to get back to the code, make the modifications, test it, and then give a test update to see if it works as intended.  Can't do that today, but perhaps tomorrow.
