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Pre-Order Discussions

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We are happy to be completing the design and build of our new product line. This pinned topic will house all available info on the 12kw pre-orders.

July 8 2022 - Sid sent off the assembly plans to the factory.

July 11 2022 - Jack confirms the cost to build and ship each unit. Our pricing is announced in the video


July 12 2022 - Genetry Solar orders and pays for a 12kw sample unit to be produced and sent via air. ETA is 3 weeks for arrival. This is a trial run to ensure that our manual and requirements are followed to the letter. The arrival of this sample unit will coincide with the end of the pre order window allowing to to verify the production units and start the ordering process.


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July 29, 2022

  • the ordered prototype PCBs & SMD/through-hole parts have arrived at the factory, so now assembly of the prototype can start.
  • beginning SMD assembly by hand (just for the test unit; production will be machine-placed/reflowed)
  • begin winding sample transformer
  • cutting and bending the metal parts for the chassis, etc.
  • copper busbars ordered

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August 1, 2022

  • test transformer has been completed, and all specifications verified to pass.
  • samples of the custom shielded mainboard cables arrive at the factory
  • factory now working to find suppliers for all of the unique parts required by the Genetry specification manual...oops, kinda wanted this to happen earlier 😉.

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August 5th

  • test control boards are hand-soldered, all but 2 parts have been placed
  • went over the factory order list, checking that all the correct types of bolts, fasteners, crimp terminals / hardware parts were chosen [2-3 days for these to come in]
  • chassis wiring and connectors waiting on parts to come in
  • turns out that the factory did not notice the changed crimping requirements--hopefully this does not result in a delay.  Worst case, they will have to hand-crimp all of the crimp terminals with a manually operated hydraulic crimper.

This is going considerably slower than we were told.   But I guess I'm not surprised...what would have surprised me would be if they had actually met their ETA.

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August 10th

  • Copper bus bars are taking a good while to order...they should have been ordered the day the sample unit was ordered.  That didn't happen, and as a result they are slated to arrive at the factory this Friday. 
  • Having some entertainment trying to get the factory to get the battery terminals and associated hardware installed correctly.  Never a dull moment...
  • everything looking good so far, just going a lot slower than we were initially told.

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August 17th

  • Copper busbar test sets finally came in.  Oops...they're not QUITE straight...but as they're soft copper, this should be quite easily corrected



  • Smaller sized crimp terminals for the transformer wires came in, and it looks like they'll do the job a LOT better.  This is good news for production


  • still going way slower than expected....

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August 21st

  • Finally have most of the test inverter put together.  Still picking on nitty-gritty details...but it's 95% there...


  • I will send the factory a revised transformer bracket design tonight.  The design seen above is much wider than necessary, which is causing issues with the transformer leads on the top.  The bracket is also too big (surprising me, as I purposely specced it to be too small)--you can clearly see this on the corners in the transformer bracket (red arrows).  Way too much gap!  Brackets need to be tight against the core, otherwise it'll shift in shipping and turn into a wrecking ball.
  • Once I get the test inverter, I'll figure out what's wrong with the busbar spec.  The factory had to cut down the bars to get them to properly fit the terminals.  (I'm suspecting the chassis isn't being bent at exactly the correct locations.)
  • The black standoff terminals are the wrong size--but it's not worth losing another couple of days to get the right size ordered in.  But for production, they'd BETTER be the right size, or else!

Hopefully after the updated transformer bracket is installed, this unit should be ready to ship from the factory in a day or so.  Finally!


Sean also requested a new-design 6kw chassis "shell" (i.e. just the case with connectors, but no actual internals) for visual purposes.  Here it is on the factory bench (yes, that's the 12kw in the background!)


Wrong screws holding the fan grilles on...they should be black countersunk.

Yeah, that's the new GS 6kw.  Once you scale the case size based on the 120mm realize that it's really tiny!

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Hopefully after the updated transformer bracket is installed, this unit should be ready to ship from the factory in a day or so.

I see the  secondary  L1  N  L2 fit the control board .  I do not see  how the  big choke fit  those  huge primary wires  or is  a separate  inductor  going to connect the primary  winding  to the AC  side heat sink ?       Very  difficult  to make  a custom  inverter  I think  .   

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Having some entertainment trying to get the factory to get the battery terminals and associated hardware installed correctly.

In the  USA the spec are in mm  but  in China the  worker  need inches  between  parts to make room to fit  and kind of funny  how thing get measured .  

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Posted by: @dickson
In the USA the spec are in mm but in China the worker need inches between parts to make room to fit and kind of funny how thing get measured .

It's actually the exact opposite...

in the USA, the standard "SAE" spec is in inches...but in China, the measurements are all in millimeters.  All of the drawings & files I've sent to the factory are scaled in millimeters.

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All of the drawings & files I've sent to the factory are scaled in millimeters.

I know the  China measurement is in mm .    It  seem like the worker do not know how to measure  .    In the USA the worker just say make it fit  or use a  bigger hammer .    I hope they  take accurate measurement in China .     

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6 minutes ago, dickson said:

It  seem like the worker do not know how to measure

They have precision calipers for measurements to a tenth of a millimeter (more than precise enough for our specifications).

The issues start when they don't understand English idioms, or don't understand the drawings.

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1 hour ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

don't understand the drawings

Yeah would be handy if they could read a CAD drawing there is no language barrier with those normally.  I ordered a cabinet from China and they got it perfect first try so its possible just hard to find. 

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They have precision calipers for measurements to a tenth of a millimeter (more than precise enough for our specifications).

Your bus bar is a design  that no PJ inverter has .   The  large negative bus bar  eliminate  all the  capacitor wires  and make a lot of space  available .  IT take a while for the worker to  figure why no  wires  inside  and  PJ  will probably  copy  in the  future  for their  PJ inverter .    The worker are not stupid but it takes time for them to learn to  do precision  work .     

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Sid the new design looks really good. One question are the battery terminals made of tinned pure copper like the bus bars or are they brass. It seems that all the battery terminals coming from China are all made of of brass.

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