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Data logging

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Yes, this ain't my first rodeo 🙂  35 years and counting in service / repair / etc of ... lots of things.  118 doesn't support wifi comms but it was worth a shot to see if anyone was home.

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Well, it may not be my first rodeo, but I can still fall off.  😆  I didn't send the start byte, so back to the drawing board, but not until tomorrow.

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Here's a code snippit I use for data reading:

// request a status data read.
msb_Send(0xAA); msb_Send(0x55); msb_Send(0x00); msb_Send(0x00); msb_Send(0x00); msb_Send(0x55);


If that helps.  ("msb_Send" just sends a single byte out of the appropriate serial port, nothing special.)

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Appreciated but I was doing it via an old laptop + usb serial with perl.  Only realised I wasn't sending the 0xAA start byte after I put everything back together and tidied up the bench.  Still haven't gotten around to trying it again, been occupied with other things.

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OK.  Just thought I'd put that snippit out so the string was really clear...particularly the checksum part.

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Wish I would have seen this earlier!  I had to figure out the protocol as well!  But it did manage to hack my MSB to farm the data.  I basically intercept the TX of the wifi and then retransmit to the MSB controller...  Asking for data every so often..


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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar

The first [16:???] is cumulative kWh's  I have no idea what the second one is as well...

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Posted by: @busky
The first [16:???] is cumulative kWh's I have no idea what the second one is as well...

I'll update the post with the info.  Is it whole KWH or partial KWH (seeing as most of the entries are ".1" precision, i.e. 100 = 10.0)?

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
I'll update the post with the info. Is it whole KWH or partial KWH (seeing as most of the entries are ".1" precision, i.e. 100 = 10.0)?

whole kWh.  I guess they wanted to have the range go all the way up to 65k vs 6500...

Maybe that second 16 bits is the upper range for the kWh? that would be a lot of kWh's!! 🙂  It would be a very long time until I would get there!  I'm only at >700kWh's!


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I have a few MSB left over from various things so have had one sitting on 24V AGM bank.  The normal load on the battery doesn't draw much, but there's also a 125l water heater attached.  During winter when it's on it pulls power from the MSB for a good part of the day.  I think I must have > 1.5MWh on the MSB, but firmware updates and resets have cleared the counter.  For all the problems I've noticed with them, once you overcome those problems, they do sit there and plug away day in day out.

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Posted by: @busky
Maybe that second 16 bits is the upper range for the kWh? that would be a lot of kWh's!! 🙂 It would be a very long time until I would get there! I'm only at >700kWh's!

I had a thought about those missing 16 bits.  I haven't tested it..  But maybe it's the power/ current from the DC (is it 5v?) load section?? I've never hooked a load to it.


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The load output?  That's more or less battery voltage (current).  At least with ver 117 and 118 chargers I'm confident that there isn't a shunt involved with the load output terminals to allow it to sense load current.  There's only two IIRC, one on the PV side and one on the output of the buck inductor(s).  I can crack a 117 and a 119 open to check how much shunts and where.

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Posted by: @thebutcher
The load output? That's more or less battery voltage (current). At least with ver 117 and 118 chargers I'm confident that there isn't a shunt involved with the load output terminals to allow it to sense load current. There's only two IIRC, one on the PV side and one on the output of the buck inductor(s). I can crack a 117 and a 119 open to check how much shunts and where.

It thought the load was some regulated 5 or 12V output.  Now I'm curious myself to see what voltage it is....  🙂

I'll have to check when I get home from work...


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Yeah you are right it is battery voltage. my bad...  For some reason I thought it was some regulated voltage.

I didn't see any shunts on that "load" output..  I didn't look on the back though.  So that 16bits still remain a mystery..

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Hi all the way from Sri Lanka,

I have a MSB v118 USB version. There is an external WiFi Module of which I have attached pics of, that connects to it and basically makes the v118 WiFi compatible. But this module only gives current data and logging is not possible. I've been trying to hack into it following the method detailed above (read status 0xAA0x55.....) but haven't had any success. Tracing the paths on the WiFi module reveals that the lines go straight to the TX and RX pins of the ESP which makes me think it is TTL UART and hence I am using an FTDI board (USB to TTL) to try and read from it. Are there any steps before the read status that needs to happen (password protection etc..) there is a clear password option D05 on the MSB that I have cleared.

I haven't plugged in the WiFi module yet since I don't have one. (the pics are from another guy on a forum)
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!





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