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Data logging

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
While we wait for proven input from @amjednizam, I can try to offer a tad of guessing/help....

Thanks, <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/2-sid-genetry-solar/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="2" href="/profile/2-sid-genetry-solar/" rel="">@Sid Genetry Solar let's wait for <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/164-amjednizam/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="164" href="/profile/164-amjednizam/" rel="">@amjednizam inputs.

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Any progress on this? id like to add the msb to my solar tracking smoothie chart.

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Haven't heard anything from @amjednizam, so without having said hardware (MSB v118) to test on the bench, there are unfortunately no further progress updates.

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So, looking through the datasheets, it's easy to see the hype...but what's not immediately obvious are several critical shortcomings:

  • "Active Miller clamp output"
    • "peak" 2.5A current...same as the output drive current.  Notice in the schematic that the clamp has to go directly to the IGBT gate, bypassing the gate resistor. This topology method only works if there's a single gate to drive--not 11 gates (like in the GS12).
    • as a result this is not usable in the GS inverter case.  FWIW the active clamp circuit on the GS FET boards can handle a continuous 5A, and a "peak" of 30A.  Little bit bigger 😉.
  • "Overcurrent protection" -> desaturation detection
    • it's utilized with high-voltage FETs and/or IGBTs.  Note that the "desaturation detection voltage" is specified as 6.5v.  Losing 6v across a high-voltage IGBT / FET is actually pretty easy--often the fully-on drain-source voltage under full rated load can easily reach 3v.
    • "desaturation detection" as implemented in this manner is completely useless for low-voltage FETs (<100v).  Full load on the GS12 FETs will drop 0.34v--which is too low to detect with the provided desat detection circuit.  By and far the biggest issue here is the temperature coefficient of the desat detection diode--the forward voltage of said diode changes MORE with ambient temp than the total drain-source voltage drop of the FET.  (This renders it completely useless.)
  • being only 2.5A output max, that's not enough for the GS12.  The 4A drivers on the GS12 are running redline capability.
  • These TLP5222 chips sell for a cool $5 apiece.  (Compare to about $1.50/each for the ones currently used in the GS inverters.)

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wow!! U have definitely dun ur homework.. thankyou!!

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Posted by: @meaculpa
wow!! U have definitely dun ur homework.. thankyou!!

So these chips definitely are very the right application!  If I was using IGBTs or high-voltage FETs, chips like that would become quite handy.  Think 400v motor drive applications: perfect (though not saying there aren't cheaper available options, hehe!)

I learned about desaturation detection when trying to calculate the required external parts for a non-isolated (much older!) chip with "desat protection"--and ended up scratching my head trying to figure out where I'd gone wrong.  And that's when I realized that high voltage FETs and IGBTs have significant voltage drop across their drain-source junctions even when fully on...whereas low-voltage FETs just simply don't.

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Rds_on  has become amazingly low in the last decade --likeu say-- for lowV FETs..

for High Voltage apps-- looks like SiC is definitely the way to go for that..but $$ is still pretty freakin high I think..

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Haven't heard anything from @amjednizam, so without having said hardware (MSB v118) to test on the bench, there are unfortunately no further progress updates.

Hi, I have a MSB V118. Just try to get the data and it worked well. I used ESP32 and connected the GND, Rx, Tx  pins to mini usb port of the MSB.  When "Read Status" data packet was sent, the MSB return the data as explained by @sid-genetry-solar. Testing was done without connecting to the solar panels. The battery voltage cumulative kWh and Temperature reading is correct. Hope other readings also correct. 

This is the result I got

Sending request Command   AA 55 0 0 0 55 
receiving   AA BB 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2F 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 54

Thank you very much @sid-genetry-solar for your guidelines. 

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Posted by: @chamee
Hi, I have a MSB V118. Just try to get the data and it worked well. I used ESP32 and connected the GND, Rx, Tx pins to mini usb port of the MSB.

Thanks for the info!  All the better to help the rest of the community out 😉.

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I have v118 MSB with USB port but so far no luck in getting any data. If anyone has had it working would appreciate pin outs of the USB and code you used?

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Posted by: @ellcon123
I have v118 MSB with USB port but so far no luck in getting any data. If anyone has had it working would appreciate pin outs of the USB and code you used?

You can read through this thread...all necessary communication info has been provided.

As far as an exact pinout of the "USB" port, I do not have one of said units, so I cannot provide it.  But it should be pretty easy to narrow things down from this post:

<iframe allowfullscreen data-embedauthorid="2" data-embedcontent="" data-embedid="embed7602437428" style="height:295px;max-width:500px;" data-embed-src="/topic/26-data-logging/?do=embed&comment=7004&embedComment=7004&embedDo=findComment">


And as far as how/what to send and what to expect for a response, I have summarized my findings (as well as findings from others in this thread) in this post: <a href="/topic/26-data-logging/?do=findComment&comment=1907" rel="">

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Thanks for the response,  I'll read up some more. Have my BMS's communicating nicely with esp32 so would be great if I can sort out the same for my 3 MSB's!

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It might also help to know a bit of what you've tried...maybe there's something obvious.

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My 2 60A MSB's have the USB port so have connected gnd and next 2 pins to esp32. Not getting any response when I send the request code so really no idea what I sm doing wrong.

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