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Where is the 100A M...
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Where is the 100A MSB charger.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Please tell me your 100W panels aren't from Harbor Freight.........

Haha, not at all. About $0.50/watt after shipping. (and believe me, the shipping is not insignificant)

They're also the flexible variety that tend to be a bit more expensive. Lots of strategic reasons i chose to use this type - basically comes down to the fact that they are transitory and will be moved to a different application and replaced with the hard variety on the current application.

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So which Tracer is it that you have?    ......       Epever Tracer 6415 AN   60A   from  ebay .     

Solar panel  are  Sunpower 305 watts and  330 watts  and 60 VOC .     Two  8s battery are in series for 60 v   and  four  4s 15v battery in series for 60 v.   Two  Sunpower  panels  in  series  put  out  500 watts with a  MSB  most of the time .   


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After now getting my house to run off my two GS running the AC and everything else but the hot water heater, I need over 100a to keep up with the power usage of the AC running when it kicks on its useing roughly 80A at 240.

Your two GS6kw  can run your washing machine  now ?   

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Posted by: @dickson
After now getting my house to run off my two GS running the AC and everything else but the hot water heater, I need over 100a to keep up with the power usage of the AC running when it kicks on its useing roughly 80A at 240.

Nope my two gs can't even run my washer machine it hates the hell out of both of the gs invters, I can use a cheap china $100 12v 3k pure sign invter to run it with no issue hell even the pj 8k I had can run it. but the two GS hates the hell out of it, don't ask me why, Sid is supposed to send me Rev c boards to replace the ones I got to see if that fixes the issue.

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the two GS hates the hell out of it, don't ask me why    

 I  will not ask  why  the Powerjack  can run your washing machine  because Powerjack suppose to be junk  .     I  bought a  30kw Powerjack  and  it  run  my  hot water heater  or  the electric oven or the  washing machine  or the swamp cooler  or   the 4 ton heat pump  and I  do not know  why  .    Thank you for your  answer .    

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Well, either way, I reather have my gs running my house then a pj.  The PJ 8k was the 12v model, and it wasn't split phase.  Either way, the PJ was good at running everything I thrown at it, but I was always worried about it catchign fire or going nukelure, as you could hear the coil sing its heart out when you throw anything at it.  I could have made a musical video of it singing one time lol.


Until sid sends me the replacment boards I not sure what is causeing the washer to not like the gs inverters, I know it acts differently on both GS inverters, the slave GS makes it click on and off, like its switching a relay on and off and not keeping it clicked on, the master gs will run it basicly normal up to filling it up, then it will not go into the next mode.


I think Sid thinks its something to do with the control board having a power drive issue maybe, not sure.


right now here is what my two GS are doing and they are running the whole house but the hot water heater is turned offf even though I'm sure I can run it, pulling 150A seemed to heat up wires even though I changed them up to heavier wire size, so going to change them out to a 2awg on the wires going between the 12v batts.  I currently got 950ah 24v battery bank.


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Oh and yes the slave GS the one with low KW is going to over run the master, as its acutally doing more work the the master gs, its just wasn't used this whole time until last week when I finally brought everything back up and running with fuses and correct wireing and bus bar that can handle 750a that has a 600a ANL fuse on it.  Each batter set has a 100a anl fuse as well.  Even though they can pull more then that in burst, cause I've seen one of them hit over 120a burst when the AC kicked on while I was cooking something.  So not sure how long it has to stay over 100a before a fuse blows, will find out soon I'm sure.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
I know it acts differently on both GS inverters, the slave GS makes it click on and off, like its switching a relay on and off and not keeping it clicked on, the master gs will run it basicly normal up to filling it up, then it will not go into the next mode.

This is the first time I've heard this tidbit...that's actually quite significant.  Unfortunately, I am not aware of anyone else currently having problems with a washing machine on a GS inverter--because as always, the more information available, the easier it is to determine the actual issue.  There was only one other customer I was aware of having issues with a washing machine--but an added AC filter cap on the output solved the issue.  (Which is why the Rev. C boards went from a 4.7uF output AC cap/phase to a 10uF output AC cap/phase.)


Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
I think Sid thinks its something to do with the control board having a power drive issue maybe, not sure.

The only possibility would have to do with AC output voltage regulation.  Your units are running 1.1r3; I know I fixed a "output regulation oscillation" somewhere along the line...where the regulator response was just too sensitive, causing large surge loads (window A/Cs particularly) to buzz very loudly and fail to start.  You're also running 120v single-phase output, which is also possibly part of the equation.

But that the washer behaves differently between the two split-sync configured inverters...that's kinda significant.

A Rev. C board would eliminate any AC output voltage drift based on the ambient temp.  Beyond that, it would come down to monitoring and setting the GS inverter screen to not turn off the backlight, pulling up the on-board oscilloscope diagnostics page, and then setting a camera on it to record the screen until the washer trips out.  And then I could go back through the video and try to see if there was something obvious that would cause the washer to trip.

One way or another, I want to get to the bottom of this problem.  It's just much more difficult to solve when I can't reproduce the issue on my bench.

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Well if you ever have time and want to setup a test like that, I can do it any time. just have to make a video call, cause like I said on the slave its bad, and I don't have a cap on that line, the master has the  10uf cap.  I'm not sure where I place the other one since that was nearly over a year ago I order those.  It might be in that room, would have to shut down the inverters before stickign my hands around there.I did had a odd issue this morning on the slave side seeming to trip or something, cause I got done cooking breakfest and the oven top was done and about a few seconds later that side reset out of the blue.  only other thing running on that line was the ice maker and frig and freezers. but, they never kicked on as far as I could tell, when I check the status scren I was only pulling 5a. 

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